Las Buenas Noticias de Cristo Jesús
As Paul begins his letter to the Romans, he makes his purpose clear—his desire is to unite the church, both Jew and Gentile, through the …
Español Discipleship & Groups & Students
As Paul begins his letter to the Romans, he makes his purpose clear—his desire is to unite the church, both Jew and Gentile, through the …
Español Discipleship & Groups & Students
In this passage, Paul begins his exposition of the gospel by first deconstructing the misplaced hopes of both the Gentiles and the Jews in his …
As Paul addresses the Jews of the early Roman church, he exposes their false righteousness. They identify more with the law and their holy history …
In this passage, Paul reinforces the sinful nature of all humanity. However, he also pivots to the hope we have in Jesus. In his mercy, …
Paul continues undermining the overconfidence of the Jewish believers in Rome, showing them through Abraham’s example that saving grace comes through faith alone. Just as …
In this passage, Paul unpacks the hope we have in Jesus. While we were his enemies, God made a way for us to be reconciled …
Adam’s sin brought death to all of us, and we live in the reality of a broken world. However, through God’s gracious gift, Jesus has …
In this passage, Paul addresses one of the great tensions for the believer. While we are dead to sin’s power and alive in Christ, we …
Español Discipleship & Groups & Students
As Paul continues to explain how a believer is transformed by the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, he unpacks the role of the law. …
One of the great themes in Romans is the choice we all must make—will we be controlled by sin or righteousness? In this passage, Paul …
As members of the body of Christ, we can expect to share in the sufferings of Jesus. We also know that one day, we will …
In this passage, Paul reminds us of the assurance of our salvation and sanctification. No matter the depth of our pain and suffering, we are …
Español Discipleship & Groups & Students
We often approach Romans 9 with a list of questions regarding God’s justice and sovereignty, but Paul’s goal for this passage is to highlight God’s …
The relationship between sovereignty and responsibility often creates tension in our convictions about humanity and fairness. Instead of inviting us to understand, God simply asks …
Continuing his argument from the last two chapters, Paul expounds on God’s trustworthiness. Not only has God faithfully preserved a remnant of believing Jews, but …
In this passage, Paul urges believers to respond in worship with self-sacrificing obedience to the mercy shown to us through Jesus Christ. Romans 12 calls …
Following through the end of chapter 12, Paul compellingly illustrates what our lives will look like when we genuinely offer them as holy sacrifices. In …
Español Discipleship & Groups & Students
In this passage, Paul encourages believers to live in submission to God by yielding to human authorities, loving our neighbors as we love ourselves, and …
In this passage, Paul calls for unity in the church despite differing nonessential opinions. For the weak in faith, those still trusting in religious systems, …
In this passage, Paul reflects on what he has shared with the Roman believers and on his future plans. He encourages them to be strong …
At the end of his letter to the believers at Rome, Paul lists the names of many who have come alongside him and poured their …
Al igual que la muerte y la resurrección de Jesús son inseparables en el cristianismo, nuestra unión con él en la muerte y la vida …
Español Campus Pastor
En este pasaje de Romanos, Pablo subraya la verdad de que éste es el mundo de Dios, y el momento no es sobre nosotros, sino …